Vinyasa 2/3

What is Vinyasa 2/3

When we opened our La Jolla Yoga studio we wanted to have a few classes strictly dedicated to arm balances, inversions and all that other cool yoga stuff like deep backbends, binds, and floating techniques. Hence, Vinyasa 2/3 was born. Class meets every Friday at 8am with Jenna. These classes use the wall and props so that all levels of practice find the challenging poses accessible.

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What to expect at Vinyasa 2/3

Be prepared to sweat and challenge yourself but know that these classes are well balanced with rest periods and counter-balancing postures that leave you feeling strong, open and energized. Don’t be intimidated by the name. These classes are open to everyone.

Discover What You’re Made Of

Our expert yogis teach you how to approach difficult poses with precise alignment, breath control and wall support. One of the toughest things we encounter when practicing these more “advanced” postures is fear. Fear paralyzes us and keeps us from trying new things. Learn how to eradicate fear and give yourself the opportunity to see how strong you truly are.

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Strengthen Your Core

Learn and practice various types of abdominal exercises every week to strengthen your deep core muscles. A strong core is essential for arm balances and inverted postures that require a lot of stability in the center of the body. When we learn how to engage these muscles, the poses start to feel light and steady, with less physical struggle.

Why Should I take Vinyasa 2/3 Classes

These classes are a great compliment to Slow Flow and Vinyasa. Get out of your comfort zone and break down the poses that we gloss over in other classes. Vinyasa 2/3 can sometimes feel more like a workshop at times and the teachers are always open to student requests so that you can get all your questions answered. Inversions and arm balances can be intimidating at times, but these classes make them fun and you learn how to approach the poses with more ease.

Join Jenna every Friday morning and tell us what you think!

vinyasa 2/3