Buddhi Flow Vs. Vinyasa Mixed Yoga Classes

What’s the Difference Between Buddhi Flow and Vinyasa Mixed Classes

Buddhi Flow classes are Vinyasa Mixed classes taught by the owners of the studio, Amanda McCarroll and Carolina Vivas. The two friends have been collaborating on San Diego yoga classes and events for ten years. Over many lunches and Downdogs, they developed a fun style of “flow yoga” that they love to share. Each Buddhi Flow class leaves you feeling strong, open, and perfectly balanced.

You never know what’s coming next

Carolina and Amanda like to teach classes that keep students on their toes. Each class is different from the last with intricate flows, smooth transitions and the perfect mix of postures for strength and relaxation. You can be sure to sweat, explore a wide range of yoga poses and jam out to rockin’ playlists. Both Buddhi Flow and Vinyasa Mixed classes are a great workout with the added benefit of learning stress-reducing techniques such as breathing and restorative postures.

buddhi flow yoga

Could I come to Buddhi Flow classes if I’m new to Yoga

If you’re a beginner you are welcome to attend both Buddhi Flow and Vinyasa Mixed classes, though it helps if you’re familiar with pose names and how to do vinyasas. These classes move at a slightly faster face but the teachers always offer modifications for beginners and variations for more seasoned practitioners.

What students are saying about Buddhi Flow and Vinyasa Mixed classes

We took a few minutes to pull aside some students so they could give us little snippets about why they like our flow classes and this is what they said:

I love that it makes me feel strong and yet I’m not depleted at the end of class. In fact, its quite the opposite. I feel energized!

Vinyasa is awesome because it gets me out of my head and in tune with what I’m doing in that moment. It’s my retreat from my day and I feel ready to tackle anything afterwards.

Buddhi flow rocks! As a yoga teacher I get so many ideas from Amanda and Carolina’s classes. I love trying out new poses and the transitions feel so good in my body.

All the Buddhi vinyasa teachers just get it. The flows are fun, intelligent and connected. The music is a plus and so are the amazing adjustments!

Visit the schedule page to sign up for Buddhi Flow or Vinyasa Mixed classes at Buddhi Yoga and email us if you have any questions, requests or suggestions.

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